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8 Social Media Marketing tips for Restaurants

AB 27 Group

If you have no guests in your restaurant then it doesn't matter whether the food is delicious or not. Therefore, being active on social media has long been vital. Your potential guests spend most of their time on social media. If you haven't developed an SMM strategy for your restaurant yet, here are 8 tips to get you started.

To be convincing, here are some numbers that demonstrate how social media affects restaurant businesses.

49% of users learn about food from social media.
63% of restaurants use social media for advertising and this is the most working strategy today.
37% of social media users research a brand before making a purchase or going to a restaurant.

1. Design your profile

Make sure your social media comprehensive. Please be sure to include location, business hours, phone number and website. Make sure your social media content is correlated with information on other websites such as Google and TripAdvisor. If the information is as complete as possible, then Google Maps will better index your restaurant.

2. Use video

Video on social media generates 1200% more shares than text and photos combined, so it is very important to integrate it into your social media marketing strategy. Using videos you can promote new meals, show guests your employees and behind the scenes of the restaurant, publish master classes on how to cook a particular dish, or even allow the chef to answer questions from guests.

One way to use video marketing for your restaurant is to film Facebook Live, where you can announce contest winners, stream events, or announce events.

3. Arrange contests

By organizing contests on social media, you help increase loyalty and engagement of guests and your followers. For example, this can be: free dinner throughout a year, gift certificates, and even free admission to external events such as concerts or sporting events. According to statistics, 79% of people like it only because of contests and discounts. With this in mind, use a similar tool to attract followers, but don't overuse it.

4. Optimize photos for 93% of users

Instagram users make a purchase based on the visualization of a product or service.

Posting attractive photos on social media makes a huge difference. Potential guests may be interested in the photos they saw there and come visit you. Don't limit your photo spectrum to food. If you have a unique interior - show it off.

Potential guests are interested not only in the quality of food, but also consider your establishment as a place where they spend quality time. After seeing beautiful pictures, your potential visitors should say / think: "I need to go to this restaurant right now!"

5. React to reviews

Reputation is very important to a restaurant. One bad response that you didn't respond to in time will raise many questions from other guests who read it. 71% of social media users say they would readily recommend a restaurant that responds quickly to their comments on social media. So if a guest has left a positive or negative review, you must respond as soon as possible. In some situations, the speed of reaction can correct a negative situation easily and painlessly.

Plus, by tracking comments, you'll always know your strengths and weaknesses.

6. Facebook Ads

93% of advertisers use Facebook ads. It works great for restaurants because it has a wide range of targeting options. Here you can specify the geolocation, and then the advertisement will be shown only to the people who are near you. This is a very important point, because restaurants often waste their marketing budgets on customers who are far from their geofence, investing in TV ads, for example.

If you use Facebook ads, make sure you are familiar with resources such as Facebook Business.

7. Post at the right time

Timing is the most important criterion. If your restaurant specializes in brunch, then photos will work best if posted at 10:00 PM, when most people are planning their weekend breakfasts. Track when your audience is most active and plan your posts accordingly. There are many tools to track subscriber activity.

8. Share your guests' content

It's great if your guests post about your establishment. By sharing such a post, you will increase your brand awareness.


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